I am proud of the Medan clinical team and I tell them this. “This is really good,” I say, “Ini bagus sekali!”
Eka, Florida and Eli are beaming. Two things are obvious: They don’t get many compliments. They are beginning to see relevance in their work. The latter was my primary reason for coming to Medan, the second most northern province in Sumatera below Ach. After two years, EMAS has not seen a drop in its maternal and newborn mortality rate in the 100+ health facilities it supports. Our promise is 25% over 5 years in the whole country. Uh….
“Tim di provinsi lain akan menjadi malu,” I say, “the other teams are going to be embarrassed.”
“Mereka akan seharusnya menyalinkan Kalian,” I say, “they will have no choice but to copy your work.”
“Pasti, mereka akan merasa kemaluan!”
My last sentence makes Eka, Florida and Eli blush. I am thinking that my transformation of the adjective “malu” or “embarrassed” into the noun “embarrassment” by adding ke- and -an was spontaneous, effective, even masterful.
Eka is the group’s spokesperson. She says in English in a slightly hushed voice, “Uh, Pak Wang, you can not say that.”
“You mean kemaluan?” I ask, “I mean it. You guys are great. Don’t worry, the other province’s embarrassment will not last long.”
“That word does not mean what you think, Pak” says Eka. I am looking up “kemaluan” as Eka speaks. The internet signal on my phone is weak and it takes a few seconds to load the answer I see:
'Kemaluan' – noun
genitals: alat kelamin, kemaluan, aurat
genitalia: alt kelamin, kemaluan, aura
privates: kemaluan
“Oops,” I say, “I guess the other teams won’t be feeling kemaluan. At least they shouldn’t be… “
Eka, Florida and Eli nod, looking down at their feet.
It’s funny how you can run a program for a year only to find the most basic elements missing. I try to spend at least a week a month in the field and though I don’t think it is hard to discover truths as long you look, you still have to locate yourself in the right places and dig. Where was I? In Liberia, the problems were logistical: their was no gas in the County, the road was down, the nurses in the city just went on strike because they haven’t been paid in 3 years. In Indonesia, the problems are organizational. Doctors are in charge but no-where to be found. Hospitals give antibiotics but start with the strongest type. Babies are attached to fancy breathing machines but no one follows up to see if they are getting fed.