Imagine if priests slept around, doctors were morbidly obese, parents abused their children, teachers did not lesson plan, neighbors refused to lend sugar and eggs, and politicians lied. Whatever role we citizens occupy, we are obligated to demonstrate behavior consistent with that role. Otherwise, the contradiction blares. A response becomes logical and necessary. Such is the obligation of adults in a world of responsibility and generativity. Double whammy if one is paid.
Imagine an American city where police were athletic enough to catch criminals on foot, where every day officers greeted residents with interest and joy, where squad cars used lights and sirens for emergencies not donut-runs, where any man or woman "in blue" could be your uncle or auntie, where out of law-enforcement mouths came more poetry than profanity, and Departments worked for communities they loved to serve.
Role amnesia has consequences and I would say the shooting of five police officers in Dallas, Texas last week was one of them. Micah Johnson pulled the triggers but so too did those responsible for the deaths of Eric Garner (7/17/14), Michael Brown (8/9/14), Laquan MacDonald (10/20/14), Tamir Rice (11/22/14), Walter Scott (4/4/15), Freddy Gray (4/12/15), Sandra Bland (7/10/15), Samuel Dubose (7/19/15), Christian Taylor (8/7/15), Alton Sterling (7/5/16) and Philando Castile (7/6/15).